The Shirt Dress



Today we went to Goodwill and they have 15% off on all clothings, so I picked a pretty color men's dress shirt and transformed it into Carissa Summer Dress.

I hope it will fit her.. I spent about 3 hrs making this dress.

Here's the full tutorial how to make the dress. But as you can see I just added some little stuff like the ribbon as belt and a lil pocket :).
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1 comment:

Laine said...

ooo like the new background! :)

ok.. so I saw the link and wanted to share a secret.. you can not only serge or zig zag sew the seams.. you can also use interfacing, or cut double the fabric pieces for your top part (neck) and sew right side together and flip it, then interface the raw edges underneath.. it not only gives it more "strength" it's easier too.